Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wendel Christmas photo

Halloweens gone by....

My chubby little monster.....

Monopoly--a friendly game

Of course, we can't use the peices that came with the game.

Megan is the banker.

Jessy is sitting this one out but can't resist being close to the action.

And the game begins........

There's rolling and counting....

Card drawing.......

and money collecting.....

poor ethics lessons for children.....(read the card)
much contemplating.......
and debating of the rules (this is a mild debate).........
and of course there is losing and moping.
What a fun game!!

packing lunch

Good morning Corey!!
Good morning Jack!!
Look at Megan all showered and ready to go.
Since Corey doesn't like bread, or sandwiches generally, he has to get creative with his lunches. So here he is rumaging for something to stick in his lunch.

When kids get a hold of the camera....