Wednesday, November 5, 2008


In response to Annie's question, yes, we have oddities in our house. It's possible that our whole house is an oddity.

1. I hate taking a shower. It's a bother. I would rather stay dirty and spend the time fiddling around on the piano. But, I do shower because it's civil.

2. Jessica loves pizza, pasta, sauce, and meat but wont eat lasagna in any form. If you tell her it's 'Lasagna' her expression goes sober and she sits there depressed like you asked her to eat her grandma. Odd.

3. Corey is just funny--he's odd by definition.

4. Megan always has tons of money. If I need a few bucks I know Megan will have it. I've borrowed from her many times. She even makes change for me when I need quarters or singles. She's an 8yr old in-house loan officer. Odd.

5. There's nothing odd about Jason--that's odd.

6. Jackson will be mad if I point out any of his oddities. Maybe that's odd--no--it's just a bummer.

7. My kids came down stairs this morning as excited as they are on Christmas asking, "Who won? Who's the president?" When I told them it was Obama their faces fell as if I had told them Santa hadn't come. Of course they should be depressed about Obama being President. But election day as exciting as Christmas??? Odd.